The research in the Kim laboratory is aimed at developing novel optical imaging tools in an effort to open new windows into biology and spectroscopy by combining biophysics, physical chemistry, and cell biology. Our current research is focused in four major areas: (1) Super-resolution imaging, (2) Correlative super-resolution imaging, (3) Single-molecule spectroscopy, and (4) Development of phosphor.
Super-resolution optical microscopy (STORM)
(Research field of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014, Technologies to watch in 2019 by Nature)
Prospective postdoctoral fellows and students are welcome to contact Prof. Kim ( for positions in the lab. Direct recommendations from faculty members are also welcome and appreciated.
Principal Investigator: Doory Kim, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Hanyang University.
Our research is generously supported by:

12 / 20 / 2022
김두리 교수님께서 제안 하신 과제가 엠디뮨이 주관한 제3회 바이오드론 어워드에 선정되었습니다. 축하합니다! :)
11 / 01 / 2022
우리 연구실 정의돈 박사과정 학생이 삼성전자 박사대여장학생(산학장학생)으로 최종 선발되었습니다. 앞으로 남은 학위과정 동안 삼성전자로부터 장학금을 지원받고 학위 취득 후에는 삼성전자에 입사를 하게 됩니다. 축하합니다! :)
09 / 01 / 2022
김두리 교수님이 삼성전자에서 수여하는 우수특허상 최우수상을 수상하셨습니다. 축하합니다! :)

Welcome to Kim Lab!
Super-resolution Spectroscopic Microscopy Lab
STORM data taken by Doory